Our Story

Bester Candle Company was founded in memory of Beth, or as her grandchildren called her, Bester.  She was known to most as a dedicated hockey mom, who exhibited the toughness and love that goes into being a parent of a child in competitive sports. At the young age of 68, Bester lost her battle with lupus.  In the time before her passing, she expressed a worry that all of her loved ones would begin to forget her and all the memories they created together. It was this comment that created the initial spark for what is now officially known as Bester Candle Company. 

Brian, Bester’s son and founder of the company, had always loved candles and would often try to find new and unique candles as he traveled for work. As his passion for candles developed, he began to take notice of the things that went into making a great candle - from the burn, to the smell, to what drew people to a specific one. The illumination from the flame reminded him of the light that his mother brought to others around her, which inspired him to create something that connected two of his favorite things - Candles and Bester.